読書会28回目  Homo Domesticus by David Valdes Greenwood 8回目


日 時■2016年3月5日(土) 13:30〜15:30(予定)
場 所■QWRC(くぉーく/予定) アクセスは→こちら  
Crossing the Threshold 9 Creature Comfort (pp. 105-115)
A Threat to Marriage? 10 Go Toward What You Love (pp. 119-136)


 9 Creature Comfort, 10 Go Toward What You Love
 8 Bath, Bed, and Beyond
 7 The Missing Dink
 6 Miffing
 5 Flirt, but Don't Touch
 3 Two Hearts Beat as Two/4 A Pansy by Any Other Name?
 2 Where Husbands Come From
 1 Why We Marry
